280 new COVID-19 cases in Niagara over last seven days
Niagara top doctor says very risky time for Niagara to reopen
Niagara students return to in-person learning Monday
- Ontario’s Education Minister announced today that high school and elementary students in Niagara will return to the classroom on Monday February 8.
- To support the safe return of in-person learning, Ontario will introduced new measures to protect students and staff against COVID-19.
- The new measure include access to targeted asymptomatic testing, mandatory masking for grades 1-12 and enhanced screening for secondary students and staff.
- At home virtual learning will still be an option for students.
Niagara COVID-19 numbers for Feb 3
Niagara COVID-19 numbers for Feb 2
Three COVID-19 outbreaks declared over at Niagara hospitals
COVID-19 Update for Jan 31, 2021
- In Canada, there were 3,924 new COVID-19 cases Sunday bringing the total of confirmed cases to 778,972.
- There were 90 new reported deaths Sunday in Canada and over the past seven days there have been a total of 938 COVID-19 related deaths.
- Here in Niagara, there were 67 new cases on Sunday and a total of 1,156 active cases.
- A total of 4,223 vaccination doses have been administered in Niagara.