Hospitals to resume non-urgent surgeries and procedures

COVID-19 hospitalizations are decreasing allowing hospitals to have the capacity to resume cancelled procedures

Mayor Walter Sendzik supports Bradley’s statement regarding Councillor Bylsma

Bylsma asked a Niagara resident on social media if she noticed any changes in her period after getting the COVID-19 vaccine

Niagara Region online COVID chat available

Regional Chair Jim Bradley condemns West Lincoln Mayor

  • West Lincoln Mayor and Regional Councillor Dave Bylsma is under fire for asking a Niagara resident on social media if she noticed any changes in her period after getting the COVID-19 vaccine.
  • Bylsma, who recently spoke at an anti-lockdown rally despite the provincial stay at home orders, is an opponent of masking bylaws and lockdowns.
  • Bylsma’s question drew criticism from many Niagara politicians including Regional Chair Jim Bradley.
  • Bradley issued a statement saying that he is “deeply concerned and troubled that Councillor Bylsma would engage in conversation with a resident about personal matters that are so clearly none of his concern.”

The LocalSKIM for Tuesday, May 18, 2021

  • Dr. Mustafa Hirji believes that getting a second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine may not be desirable as new research is showing that delaying the second dose may increase vaccine effectiveness. (St. Catharines Standard)
  • PM Justin Trudeau is suggesting that 75% of Canadians will need to be vaccinated before the Canada-U.S. border can be reopened, ending any hope that the border will be reopened soon. (Thorold News)
  • An increase of GTA traffic entering Niagara-on-the-Lake over the last few weekends despite provincial stay-at-home orders is concerning. (St. Catharines Standard)
  • Over 10,000 people in Niagara booked their COVID-19 shot today as Ontario lowered the age eligibility to 18 years old and older. (610 CKTB)

Information about the COVID-19 vaccine

Brock University launches Engineering program

Choosing a COVID-19 vaccine appointment date

Brock University president Gervan Fearon leaving position

Current Brock Provost Lynn Wells has been named Interim Brock President

Niagara residents reminded to watch for ticks