What is allowed when Ontario enters Step 2 on June 30th

  • Outdoor gatherings of up to 25 people and indoor gatherings of 5 people.
  • Outdoor dining for up to 6 people per table.
  • Additional retail capacity and the opening of stores in malls, personal care services and hair salons.
  • Religious services, rites and ceremonies at 25% capacity.
  • Public libraries can open at 25% capacity, overnight camps are allowed and outdoor fitness classes with restrictions are permitted.
  • As well the following can operate at 25% capacity if outdoors: meeting spaces, amusement and water parks, sports games and events, cinemas, performing arts, live music events, horse racing and motor speedways.

Step Two of reopening starts June 30th

751 unmarked graves discovered at former residential school

NACI confirms mixed vaccine schedule is safe

Ontario reports only 270 new COVID-19 cases

Pfizer recipient’s may need to get Moderna for 2nd dose

Major recall of cat food issued

Travel restrictions at border to remain until end of July

Canada leading the way in first doses of COVID-19 vaccine

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