101 new COVID cases in Niagara

Niagara Region Public Health in need of nurses

Pandemic restrictions could remain until late June

Removing provincial restrictions too soon will lead to increased COVID cases

West Lincoln Mayor Dave Bylsma being investigated

Bylsma spoke at a recent anti-lockdown rally in St Catharines despite provincial stay-at-home orders

St. Catharines City Council – April 26, 2021

St. Catharines council votes for pay parking at beaches

However, St. Catharines residents can get free parking pass

Fight to keep YMCA open stays alive

On March 10, the YMCA announced it was closing the St. Catharines location.

Local News Skims for March 3, 2021

  • The city of St. Catharines previously approved $500,000 for a new publicly accessible washroom and are now evaluating three possible areas downtown where the new washroom could be located. (St. Catharines Standard)
  • A $53.8 million upgrade at the QEW overpass on Glendale Ave is set to begin this spring. The project will take three years to complete and will improve traffic flow. (Niagara This Week)
  • While only 5% of Niagara residents have received the COVID-19 vaccine to date, the region is expected to accelerate vaccinations as the Indigenous community and those over the age of 80 will start being vaccinated later this month. (610 CKTB)

St. Catharines evaluating downtown locations for new washroom

City of St. Catharines previously approved $500,000 to build new publicly accessible washroom

St. Catharines facilities to remain closed during Grey-Lockdown

  • City facilities will remain closed after the Province announced that Niagara will enter the Grey – Lockdown level on Feb. 16.
  • The closures includes City Hall, the St. Catharines Museum, the Four-Plex and Garden City Arena, the Russell Avenue and Port Weller Community Centres, Older Adult Centres, and the Kiwanis Aquatics Centre.
  • Remote service delivery will continue at City Hall.
  • The Farmers Market will open Saturdays only from 7am to 1pm.