Canada And Beyond
- Report: Ottawa Expanding Dental Care Coverage – The Toronto Star is reporting that expanded dental care coverage will be introduced in the upcoming budget, which will be released on March 28. The New Democrats have been pushing the government to expand the dental care program as part of their deal with the minority Liberals. It is expected that the expanded dental coverage will now include teenagers, seniors and people living with disabilities. (Toronto Star)
- Quebec Police Believe Driver Acted Deliberately – Police are saying that the driver of a pickup truck that killed two people and injured nine others in Quebec acted deliberately and with premeditation. Sûreté du Québec Sgt. Claude Doiron said the investigation suggests the driver swerved from one side of the road to the other over a considerable distance to hit victims who appeared to be selected at random. (Montreal Gazette)
- Russia Crashes U.S. Drone – The Pentagon and U.S. European Command is claiming that two Russian aircrafts dumped fuel on a U.S. drone, which was conducting a routine surveillance mission over the Black Sea before one of the Russian aircrafts hit the drone, causing it to crash into the water. There are concerns that Russia could recover the drone and its sensitive technology. (CTV News)