Local News Briefs
- Region Passes Budget – After many hours of deliberation and debate, Regional Council has passed the 2023 budget. Residents will see a 7.58% increase on the regional portion of their property taxes this year. The increase was higher than normal due to inflation, pandemic recovery and the added cost of the amalgamated transit which transferred costs from the cities and towns to the region. (Niagara Region, St. Catharines Standard)
- EMS Asked To Respond To Mental Health Calls – The Niagara Region Anti-Racism Association (NRARA) is asking the Niagara Regional to support their request for Niagara EMS’ Mental Health and Addictions Response Team to respond to potential mental health calls instead of the police. The NRARA believe that Black, Indigenous and people of colour fare more poorly than the white community in confrontations with the police but also added their proposal could possibly save the region money. (InNiagara Region)
- Niagara Police Board Appoints Citizen To Board – The Niagara Police Services Board has appointed Nyarayi Kapisavanhu to sit on the board as a public representative. Kapisavanhu is the founder of the Advocating for Black Excellence Awards of Niagara and the Executive Director of TOES. The Niagara Region Anti-Racism Association is glad Council met their demands by selected someone who has not been a police officer and is a Black woman. (CKTB)
- Falls Goes Blue And Yellow – Niagara Falls is marking the one year anniversary of the Ukraine-Russia war by lighting up the Falls in blue and yellow, which are the colours of Ukraine’s flag. The illumination will take place tonight from 8:00 p.m. until 10:15 p.m. (105 The River)