Local News Briefs
- John Fogerty Comes To Casino – John Fogerty, the founder of Credence Clearwater Revival, will be playing at the OLG Stage at Fallsview Casino on June 30. Tickets will go on sale Friday, February 17 at 10:00 a.m. (Giant FM)
- Calls For More Representation On Police Board – The Niagara Region Anti Racism Association is asking that more civilians who are Black, Indigenous, and people of colour be added to the police board. The group has written a letter to the police board’s selection committee and says that more needs to be done to ensure adequate representation on the board. (105 The River)
- Lowest Unemployment Rate In Decades – The Niagara Region’s unemployment rate fell to 4.3 per cent for January. The January rate was the lowest recorded unemployment rate since March 2006. (InNiagara Region)
- Open House For Hospital Site – St. Catharines will be hosting an open house regarding the former St. Catharines General Hospital site on Thursday, Feb. 23 at 6:30 p.m. at the St. Catharines Collegiate. Residents will be able to give their input on the proposed plan to put in four mixed-use buildings, with heights ranging from 11 to 16 storeys, along with 40 townhouses for a total of 1,131 units along with commercial floor space. (Niagara this Week)
- Niagara Budget Deliberations Continue – The Niagara Region budget committee will hold another meeting next Thursday to look at options to trim the budget further, after voting to defer a decision to increase taxes by 9.4 per cent. The region is struggling to keep this year’s tax increase manageable after it absorbed the cost of Niagara’s newly amalgamated transit service. Previously, transit was a municipal cost. (CKTB)