Local News Briefs
- Majority Want No Amalgamation – According to Pelham Mayor Marvin Junkin, based on the presentations at last week’s governance reform meeting, the majority of Niagara municipalities appear to prefer the status quo with regards to Niagara’s city/regional structure with some tweaking. Junkin added that Niagara Falls Mayor Jim Diodati and Lincoln Mayor Sandra Easton appeared to prefer something closer to a four city model. (Pelham Today)
- Thorold Releases Draft Budget – The city of Thorold’s draft 2024 budget has an estimated 2.99% net levy increase. It is recommended that some major projects be deferred in order to keep the increase below 3%. The draft budget will be presented to council on Jan 23. (Thorold Today)
- Committee To Return – After hearing presenters last week in St. Catharines regarding Niagara governance reform, the province’s standing committee is expected to return to Niagara to hear additional presenters. The committee will eventually publish a report with their recommendations on Niagara’s government structure. (St. Catharines Standard)
- Bridge Closure – The Glenridge Ave. canal bridge in St. Catharines will be closed to all vehicle and pedestrian traffic from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. from Jan. 16 to Jan 18. (Giant FM)
- NOTL Reverses Decision – Niagara-on-the-Lake council has reversed a decision to allow a developer to use a section of the Upper Canada Heritage Trail for access to planned housing units after opposition from the public. (Niagara Now)