Local News Briefs
- No Increase To Waste Budget – The Niagara Region Budget Review Committee has approved a zero-budget increase for waste management services which will result in most residents seeing a decrease in their waste management special levy. (Niagara Region)
- Driver Dies In Accident – Niagara Regional Police are reporting that a pickup truck was travelling south on Regional Road 24 late Thursday afternoon in Wainfleet when the vehicle lost control, left the roadway and flipped over. The driver of the pickup truck was pronounced deceased at the scene. (Niagara Regional Police)
- Welland Street Closure – East Main Street from Wellington Street to The Boardwalk in Welland will be closed to through traffic on Saturday, from 3:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. for the Welland Santa Claus Parade. (GiantFM)
- Concern Over Battery Recycler – Thorold City Council was hesitant to endorse a battery recycling company’s plan to operate out of the former Hayes Dana Plant in Thorold South due to the possibility of the site having large amounts of lithium batteries. In the end, council agreed to sign the letter of support as long as it only makes mention of alkaline batteries. (Thorold Today)
- Bridge Reopens – The Rainbow Bridge has reopened after a deadly crash and explosion took place on Wednesday. The cause of the crash and the identities of the two individuals killed have not been released. (CKTB)