The LocalSKIM for Monday, June 14

  • Niagara’s acting medical officer of health Dr. Mustafa Hirji said he will not cancel the additional restrictions under Section 22 until the seven day average for daily COVID-19 cases per 100,000 residents falls below 15 and the reproductive rate drops below 1.0. The current seven day average is 21.49 cases, leading to speculation that it will be a few weeks before Section 22 is rescinded. (St. Catharines Standard)
  • With the threat of the more contagious and severe Delta variant spreading in Niagara, Dr. Mustafa Hirji is encouraging residents to get their second COVID-19 vaccination shot as quickly as possible and that more young people get vaccinated. (Niagara this Week)
  • Port Weller residents are upset with the additional traffic and rude behaviour from Sunset beach visitors but the president of the Port Weller Resident Association said the additional security and new regulations has had a positive impact. (St. Catharines Standard)